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A Camping We Will Go – First Time Camping Experience

Picture it…Florida….Spring Break….March of 2013.   We were eager, excited, and downright ecstatic about our very first camping trip.   We were also novices, naïve, and never expected what happened on this…

Spontaneous Travel Adventure

I’ve always wanted to pack a bag and go to the airport, walk up to the counter and say “Book me on the next flight to____”.     Earlier this…

It’s a New Year

Happy New Year to all of my readers! I don’t know about you but 2013 came and went so fast!    It was a whirlwind for me personally and professionally.…

Ergle Chrismas Tree Farm in florida

Visiting a Christmas Tree Farm in Florida

Tis the season!   It’s Christmas time.  This is absolutely my favorite time of the year.    When it comes to Christmas I am Christmas Elf Numero Uno!  I love…

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